Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Scentsy Valentine's Day Gift Guide for Infants, Toddlers, and Preschoolers

Are you looking for the perfect Valentine's Day Gift for the child in your life? Here are some suggestions for Infants, Toddlers, and Preschoolers! Perfect Valentine's Day Gifts for your daughter, son, or any other child in your life!
Scentsy Buddies for Valentine's Day . . .
Penny the Pig Scentsy Buddy (girls)
Lenny the Lamb Scentsy Buddy (girls or boys)
Ollie the Elephant Scentsy Buddy (girls or boys)
Mollie the Monkey Scentsy Buddy (girls or boys)
Roarbert the Lion Scentsy Buddy girls or boys)
Ribbert the Frog Scentsy Buddy (girls or boys)

Now if you decide on one of the Scentsy Buddies above then you get a free scentsy scent pak to go with it! Here are some ideas for which scentsy scent paks your child will like!

Infants Scentsy scent pak suggestions for Valentine's Day . . .
Newborn Baby Nursery Scent Pak (both girls and boys)

Toddlers and preschoolers Scentsy Scent Pak suggestions for Valentine's Day . . .
Sweet Pea Vanilla Scent Pak (girls)
French Lavender Scent Pak (girls and boys great for bedtime)
Hemingway Scent Pak (boys)

Scentsy Mid-Size Warmers
for Infants, Toddlers, and Preschoolers . . .
Twinkle Mid-Size Warmer
Little Lamb Mid-Size Warmer

If you decide on a Mid-size warmer you will also need Scentsy Bars to go with it. There are many different Scent options to choose from the following list are just a few that I think would be perfect for younger children!

Bubblegum Scentsy Bar (girl and boy) (only available for the month of January)
Pearberry Scentsy Bar (girl) (only available for the month of January)
Newborn Nursery Scentsy Bar(girl or boy)
Sweet Pea & Vanilla Scentsy Bar (girl)
Hemingway Scentsy Bar (boy)
My Dear Watson Scentsy Bar (boy)


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